Technology TV


MIPTV April 2017

Dramas and Virtual Reality are dominating the television landscape at the world’s biggest television fair in Cannes.   Is there another Downton Abbey or Game of Thrones on the horizon?  A program from Germany has caught the eye of fair, Berlin Babylon, a period crime, mystery period piece set in the Wilmar Republic years of the city.  An ambitious 16 episode series production with a large budget, the show centers on the corruption, decadence, and moral decay of 1929 proceeding Hitler’s raise to absolute power told from the point of view of drug addicted Police Inspector Roth played German actor by Volker Bruch.

Babylon Berlin won the Screenings Grand Jury Prize.

Is Virtual Reality the future of entertainment?  Tech companies seem to think so.  After attending a press event co-chaired by Google I learned     Google has a platform for VR content titled Google Daydream. A place where produces can upload new material but mostly geared towards professional makers.

There are two types of immersive VR content; interactive and passive form of entertainment where the viewer is experiences the technology as a virtual voyeur.

I repeat, is VR Technology the future? Although the potential is there, the compelling reason and consumer desire is not.  After all, these companies told us wearables are the future. Is anyone out there bragging about their iWatch? Remember Google Glasses?   These items have passed into the realm of tech ill relevance.

The equipment is still bulky and expensive.  The resolution is not so sharp.  Early adapters and tech geeks may love it but the general public may look at this like a hula hoop.  VR has been the great could be for decades but never caught the wave.   It feels like a product still waiting for the surf that will never come.

Black and Paper at MIP TV Cannes, stay tuned for more reports.