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Choices in Their Works

Chat Cinema interviews Award Winning Directors, talking about their short films and future work. Cannes Film Festival Golden Palm Winner The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent from filmmaker Nebojsa Slijpcevic and Meal Ticket by Wes Andre Goodrich are works concerning choices. Stay Tuned for the new episodes.

Cinema entertainment entertainment news

A Talent Boxed In

Luther: Never Too Much is the story of performer Luther Vandross. The crooner who was “Too Black”, “Too Big” got boxed in by the music business. The color codes of the industry meant the New York born native never gained wide stream acceptance, i.e. the White Audiences embrace. After stints on Sesame Street then music arranging for super star David Bowie, Luther embarked on a R&B solo career. However his success in a “defined” Black American genre came at a price. The eight Grammy Winner’s record label refused to allow him to cross over, despite working with mainstream artists Diana Ross, Donna Summer and Bette Midler.

Director Dawn Porter’s soft touch balances presentation with a touch of grievance. “Life is a perfect line of ironies” goes the expression.

Luther Vandross passed away in 2005.

Luther: Never Too Much is in cinemas and available on MAX.

Luther: Never Too Much was screened at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival.

entertainment entertainment news Fashion

Halloween Watch

Do you need a few films to watch this Halloween? These are titles we recommend for night at home with popcorn.

Cinema entertainment entertainment news

Tribeca Fest 24

The Hollywood Strikes hit the entertainment industry in 2023.  Work stoppages caused disruptions along the chain from Hollywood to independent cinema.  The film festival circuit did escape the five-month long actors and writer’s dispute.   As I cover the Tribeca Film Festival there is a marked difference in the level of entrants. A number of foreign filmmakers along with titles from female directors made the cut this year.  The New York City film event unveiled 114 narrative and documentary titles. 

In Sexual Demand

Hot masculine top, athletic body, how hard would it be for a guy with this description on his profile to hook-up on Grindr?   Nicolas Finegan’s Some Kind of Paradise short film handles the challenges of a Gay Life based on isolation, fast food sex and the ins and outs of emotional intimacy.  John Brodsky makes a subtle impression of a sexually in demand man boxed in, suddenly tapping into awakening feelings.

Black Table
Black Table

Since the fall of Jim Crow, African Americans have made inroads to higher education, however not without challenges. Recent headlines of the US Supreme Court tossing College Admission Affirmative Action Programs are the latest struggles. For People of Color, navigating certain spaces can be tricky, a balancing act of fitting in, yet trying to retain identity.  Black Table, is the story not just about race but of social economic class attending Yale University in the 1990’s. The film is a soft chronicle of unconscious prejudices faced at an Ivy League Institution with the always hanging question, “Do You Belong Here?” Co-Directors John Antonio James and Bill Mack offer an honourable perspective about New Haven. 


Recently, I noticed more filmmakers focusing on the plight of women in the Middle East. Once upon Beirut was called The Paris of the Middle East.  A once prosperous city with a freewheeling spirit population made up of diverse groups.  Now, the Mediterranean capital struggles with corruption, simmering conflict and citizens looking for an escape hatch.  All if these elements come together in Mira Shaib’s first film Arze describes itself as a comedy drama of titular character Aze trying to stay afloat with a teenage son and an emotional challenged sister while dreaming of a way to earn more money by buying a scooter. The irony of making life easier turns into a nightmare when the moped is stolen.  What follows is a tale of urban frustration rooted in survival.

Arze at Tribeca Film Festival

How do you make a touching film short about hair lice? Hindu director Vindhya Gupta’s eloquently shot Lice shows the answer.  The story of a blossoming friendship coming to life under ticklish circumstances. 


All films were reviewed online. The Tribeca Film Festival runs until June 16th.

Cinema entertainment entertainment news Interview

What Price,, Cheap Fame?

Fame is a cheap commodity in the social media world. The lust for for followers has corroded the lines of behavior. Chasing likes is a pluto treasure hunt in the digital world.

Director, actor and producer Hugo Becker shows the self-destructive side of bargain basement celebrity with his Oscar qualifying short film MUKBANGER.

A Black and Paper interview with Hugo Becker.

Why do you think people are obsessed and willing to be mocked and to risk life and death for Social Media celebrity or fame?

I do not believe this starts like that, from one day to the other. It is a long and sad process. What I try to demonstrate in the movie is that it usually starts in a very genuine and naive approach. People who end up making these type of videos had no clue they would end up doing this when they were starting doing videos as teenagers. That is why it is much more dangerous than we think. It is not only for other people, some very balanced individuals sometimes fall into this downward spiral. It is the same type of addiction and vicious circle you find in drugs or porn. And I am not only talking about the creators, but also the viewers. 

Is Mukbanger a class or socio-economic issue commentary?

Money is part of the issue, for sure, for some people. But not the main reason. Love and attention are. Otherwise they would do something else I think, because there are many bad ways to make easy money. The real reasons of people getting involved in MUKBANG are I believe the quest of recognition at all costs, the loneliness, the lack of love and existential issues.

And of course the social networks and some algorithms, because let’s face it, they provoke and accelerate this downward spiral. Because they push you more and more in the same environment, leaving you in a kind of mental cage. In which the definition of success is to be viewed, to be followed. To exist. As much as possible. No matter the cost. When success actually should be about achieving something that makes sense, about helping people around you, about fighting for your ideas, trying to improve the world around you.

France is a country and culture renowned for cuisine,  you are a Frenchman,  in the movie those images are poles apart.  Please explain? 

Well, there is art cuisine and Food porn. These are two very different things. I did a series called Chefs as an actor, and we were lucky enough to be taught by great French Chefs like David Toutain, and Thierry Marx. Thanks to them, I learned that art cuisine is about creating something beautiful, supposed to make you feel good, to enlighten your day, to make you travel in your head, while learning a whole new taste universe that you might not know.

The other, Mukbang, is not about food really, it is about putting your physical health in danger with random and bad products, in a huge and absurd quantity, it is about damaging yourself, your body and in the long run your mental health. And that is what probably fascinates and/or reassures people watching. Not about the food they eat in reality. The first time I learned about Mukbang, and watched a documentary about it, I did not eat for two days. Not only because of the food, but because I could not believe it was a real phenomenon watched by millions of people. And when I realized it was actually real, and not science-fiction, I was terrified that we already got to that point… As if the tv show in the movie Requiem for a dream was actually really broadcasted on Fox.


There is a slippery slope of good guy/bad guy in the film, explain.

My intention was clearly not to point out one person responsible for the whole thing. But on the opposite, I strongly believe that all of them share a responsibility at their level. Like we all do on many subjects. Of course, everyone in its own way, and at a different level of responsibility. But is Mika naive and innocent? No. Is his manager protecting him like he should? No. Is the broadcaster supposed to let them do this? Probably not. Are people supposed to watch things like that and encourage the creation of such videos ? Clearly not. Can the family have a good and or bad influence over it? Yes, but sometimes we unfortunately do not even realize how our reactions, and choices can affect and have consequences for other people around us. So, question is, once we know, what do we do about it? What is the limit? 

What was the cinematography influence?

So many geniuses. So many people I admire. Complicated to say. Of course, I am an unconditional fan of Stanley Kubrick, Paul Thomas Anderson, Milos Forman, Agnès Varda, Darren Aronofsky, Joachim Trier… I have always been impressed of the way they manage to put you in the shoes of the character so that you feel like him and you understand his weirdest behavior without explanations.

For that film, Mukbanger, I wanted the audience to feel trapped inside, like him. Looking for a way out, trying to escape. That is why I used this format 4:3, and I made these frame choices of Mika literally eating the frame. In the meantime, it had to be moving and interacting all the time so you never get a chance to stop and think, like him, you just go on, because you want see further, you want to know how it ends, you are addicted.

I also somehow wanted the audience at the end of the film to understand that they actually are in the position of the viewers, the “voyeurs”, and to understand how addictive this can be for anyone. And thus why we have to be extremely careful, especially for the younger generation. Because this addiction is part of us… you want more ? Well, this is human nature, most of us if not all of us do unfortunately. All right then, but therefore it is urgent that we help people focus on the interesting, on the beautiful, on the things that are greater than us. Talk about ideas, about how to improve things, and not waste time watching people wasting their own life Mukbanging.

To me, this phenomenon is like an alarm, it is really the metaphor of human nature over-consuming and choosing the wrong path. This movie is a small attempt to stop it.


Greta goes Barbie

Actress, Director Greta Gerwig’s BARBIE trailer has taken the Internet by storm. The Margort Robbie, Ryan Gosling lead flick hits cinemas this July 21st. Based on the iconic children’s doll, the trailer wowed professionals at CinemaCom, the Warner Bros release could be a summer blockbuster for the Sacramento born filmmaker.

Actress Director Greta Gerwig
From our archives, Greta Gerwig

A Genius Tortured

Sadly, I missed this gem of a documentary at the Berlinale. After speaking to the distributor, my interest got peaked with the intention of a follow up, but because of scheduling conflicts the film fell off the timetable. Happily, with LITTLE RICHARD: I AM EVERYTHING is receiving glowing reviews. The legendary performer in many ways invented musical showmanship style that was copied by Elvis and Pat Boone, then lead the way for Elton John, David Bowie and Madonna, but sadly as an African American singer in Jim Crow America, the Macon, Georgia born singer never got the credit he so deserved. All the interviews I watched with Richard, laughing, joking, the bitter twang came through. Passing away in 2020 at age 87, the world may finally catch up to a man who was way ahead of his time.

Lisa Cortes’s work arrived in cinemas this week.

Cinema entertainment

Reeves is Back as WICK!

Actor Keanu Reeves returns to theaters this weekend as Super Assassin John Wick in the third sequel of the hit franchise.

Keanu Reeves

In 2020 we produced a Chat Cinema episode on the actor trying to dissect the appeal of the actor.

Cinema podcast

Femme moves to 2023

I interviewed filmmakers Sam Freeman and Ng Ping for a Chat Cinema podcast last year. The BAFTA nominees had completed their short film noir FEMME. Fast forward to this week, the duo unrolled their feature debut FEMME at the Berlinale. A continuation on the sexual repression theme from the duo’s first work, the longer version stars Charles MacKay and Nathan Stewart-Jarrett in a cat a mouse game of revenge. The reviews have ranged from mixed to positive.

Femme 2023
Femme 2023

Cinema podcast

UTAMA on Chat Cinema

For this episode of Chat Cinema, a conversation with Director Alejandro Loayza Grisi about his highly acclaimed film UTAMA. The Bolivian film has been selected for entry for Best International Film Oscar.

Actor Jose Calcina