Cinema entertainment news

A Solidified Berlinale

Berlinale press team sent me the location of the press conference, my eyes rolled. House of the Cultures of the World.  A 1957 building straddling the Spree River in the Tiergarten section of the city. The symbolism of the location is not lost. After all the controversial headlines, the festival needed to prove point of being open to all.  The problem is getting to this symbol of universal openness.  Indian Jones would need patience this locale is inside the city, yet in a remote place not easily reached. I needed to take the U5 to the nearest Metro Station, Bundestag, then another eight-minute walk in -2C weather. After talking to other colleagues, we decided to watch the YouTube stream then discuss the details afterward. The reactions, The Berlinale has solidified its place as a second-tier festival.

This has been a cold January in the German Capital.  Tricia Tuttle came out on stage wearing a jacket. Was this for warmth or protection? As the newly installed head of the Berlinale spoke in a clear but at times flatness enthusiasm. The jacket could have been more a security blanket.  As the newly creative head read from cards, her lack of fervor became clear.

The team placed a best foot forward, going down the list of films on the scheduled to show in February. Normally before a film festival the buzz is built by press leaks of works that will unspool.  The only news from Berlin concerned last year’s controversial anti-semitic row, budget cuts this year, threatened boycotts and then the sudden increased funding from the Ministry of Culture.  Keeping track of a tennis ball would have been easier than staying up to date on news coming from Potsdamer Platz.


If there were high expectations, a breath of fresh air for the 75th edition of the Berlinale, the audience’s reaction sucked the air out of the room.   The timid, almost chilly polite applause did not need explanation.  Instead of something new, the festival was merely repackaging an average grade product.   The Competition Section has a Richard Linklater work in the batch among the nineteen films in the run for the Golden Bear.

On the small-scale glamour front, the Special Section will include A Complete Unknown with Timothee Chalamet for a German Premiere and Robert Pattison in Bong Joon Ho’s Mickey 17 will hit the Red Carpet. Other stars confirmed to attend are Jessica Chastain with more to be announced.  Perhaps the pleas for more big stars to come only reached the Junk Mailbox.

The Berlinale continues to say “It is one of the big festivals” alongside Cannes and Venice in relevance   It is time to stop believing the press releases.  For Tricia Tuttle, the honeymoon period is over.  

The Berlinale starts Feb 13th.

chat cinema. Cinema entertainment news

Is the Berlinale Reinventing or Repackaging?

The new Berlinale Poster, released the last week of December shows a new modern style. The number seventy-five features prominent at the right corner.  Ditching film festival Bear artwork is supposed to signal change, breaking from the past, the arrival of a new era, a reinvention of a once significant February cinema event.  But, is the new Berlinale just recycling the old with more colorful packaging?  It takes more than shiny artwork to re-establish confidence in a film festival that has dug itself into a celluloid hole.

Berlinale Poster

After a few conversations with some professional industry colleagues about the upcoming edition, we are starting to have more questions.  What happened to doing something new?  It is no secret the Berlinale fell behind, lacking the grandeur of Cannes, the artistic component of Venice, the hipness of Sundance or the commercial launching heft of SXSW, the space for change, a new way opportunity,is wide open in the German Capital.  Yet, festival head Tricia Tuttle is on a Honey Moon press tour using pleasant Cucumber Salad language on how the festival looks to differentiate itself from the past. However, on closer examination, what changed appears unclear to regular Berlinale goers.  One category eliminated, a new one added, the same past filmmakers with the similar thematic films appear on the schedule, again.

The wait and see game has started.   Hopefully, the newly installed Berlinale team has not wasted precious good will. 

chat cinema. Cinema entertainment news podcast

Choice or Opportunity talk on Chat Cinema

Director Wes Andre Goodrich talks about his short film MEAL TICKET on this episode of Chat Cinema Podcast. The work centers on a story of a choice and an opportunity. The up and coming Brooklyn based filmmaker’s delves into the conscience of a person taking a step upward, but at what price?

chat cinema. Cinema entertainment entertainment news

Choices in Their Works

Chat Cinema interviews Award Winning Directors, talking about their short films and future work. Cannes Film Festival Golden Palm Winner The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent from filmmaker Nebojsa Slijpcevic and Meal Ticket by Wes Andre Goodrich are works concerning choices. Stay Tuned for the new episodes.

Cinema entertainment entertainment news

An Out Of Sync Gladiator 2

Ridley Scott’s 2000 Best Picture directorial work Gladiator was a seminal moment in 21st century cinema.  Oscar winner Russel Crowe’s broody Maximus made an impression on filmgoers.   Gladiator 2 arrived in cinemas this week.  It is best to leave well enough alone. This come twenty-four years later sequel is an out of sync spectacle.

Paul Mescal has some big sandals to fill as Lucius, the less brutal, more pondering vengeful son of Maximus. Not lacking in the spirit of role but lacking the grit, the Irish actor looked as if he was learned how to swim without an instructor for the first time. 

Gladiator 2
Denzel Washington as Macrinus

Denzel Washington as the scheming Macrinus was relishing his role at times the twice Academy Award earner overshadowed a cast that came off as having taken a high dosage of Xanax.

The Wikipedia referenced script has the usual assortment of Roman Empire intrigue for the civic crown.  I, Claudius captured these characters better.

Scott plays well with the visual, too bad the whole Gladiator 2 was just a lot of humdrum separate parts.

2.5/5 stars.

Gladiator 2 is in European Cinemas.  Running Time: 2 hours 28 mins.

Release Date in the US on November 22nd.

chat cinema. Cinema entertainment entertainment news

The Season is Here

Awards Season has started, so has our screening of films that could get nominated for a trophy. Look for news, interviews and reviews here.

Cinema entertainment news

Reviving the Berlinale

The Berlinale is a few months away, however the press tour has already started.  New head Tricia Tuttle held a meet and greet for local press discussing the plans for making the city’s biggest cinema event more relevant.  The American born said “she wanted to bring back enthusiasm to the Berlinale.”   Was this a polite snub to previous heads Carlo Chatrian and Dieter Kosslick?  It has been no secret Berlin has lost its luster over the years with filmmakers and other professionals.  Europe’s third biggest film festival fell far behind Cannes and Venice.  The American gatherings, Sundance and SXSW aim for youth over politics. 

Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz

Tricia has her hands full, the first female while being fourth head in six years. A newbie in a city with many cultural and structural differences. Former East, former West attitudes make a peculiar tasting soup when combined in a pot.  Chatrian got pushed out by backroom forces.  The former London Film Festival head took over after many disagreements over the direction of festival. Where does the Berlinale stand in the circuit? Commercial? Politics? Mainstream? European Arthouse?  Tuttle wants to attract younger audiences with a new social media plan along with cheaper tickets for students. That plan looks good on paper; however, a film festival is about films. A Deadpool or Dune sequel would get the under 30 crowd attention, not typical Berlinale Palace fare.

Festivals are not just gatherings, but places to discuss cinema. The organisation’s press room is more a sterile inoculation clinic than a conversational space. The 300 or so titles running in the different sections are not fully curated forcing attendees to ask each other for recommendations. Sadly, as Potsdamer Platz no longer functions as a central point, chit chatting is difficult. One film unrolls in Friedrichshain, then seven km to Charlottenburg for another, shoes, patients and luck will be needed.  Hopefully, the Berlinale will find a new physical center. And sadly, there are still no midnight screenings. 

Good Luck Ms. Tuttle. Restoring a reputation is hard work.

Will we attend the 75th Berlinale February 3rd after the 2018 banning? We will apply and see. 

Cinema entertainment news

The Iconic French Star

Alain Delon, the French Cinematic Star passes away at 88. Delon was known for his intense smouldering good looks and big screen presence. Le Samouraï happens to be a film noir favourite.

Born in Sceaux, France in 1935, Delon became an international star in the 1960’s working with directors including Rene Clement, Luchino Visconti and Louis Malle.

Alain Delon was more than handsome, but also had charisma and talent.

Alan Delon
Cinema entertainment entertainment news

HollyShorts and Short Films

The 20th annual HollyShorts film festival is underway. Check here for coverage with reviews and interviews with filmmakers from the Hollywood gathering.

Holly Shorts

Please go to our YouTube Channel for Chat Cinema Podcasts with other filmmakers.

Cinema entertainment entertainment news Fashion podcast

On John Galliano back to Dior

A snippet from the Before Tacky podcast with filmmaker Kevin Macdonald about fashion designer John Galliano. Rumours have hit the fashion gossip circuit the once former creative head of Dior is set for a return to the famed house. Click below to understand why we think this story feels a bit false.