Louis Hofmann from Germany A young face on the scene with a radiant smile, he has raked up an impressive list of awards and credits. Louis will star in Netflix series Dark.

What type of roles would you like to play?
I like dramatic, characters on the edge of existence, real problems. I played a comedic role. It was a great space. So now I would like have a mixture.
What was your first acting role?
A very small role in a television series “Danni Lowinski”, I was 11. I had two words, “F*ck You! And I shot a birdie.
What inspired you to become an actor?
When I 10 or 11 I spoke to actors about what they did. The way they described it, I was fascinated. I begged my mother to sign me up with an agent. When I was 13 I got the lead in the German version of Tom Sawyer the film. Acting is self-therapy for me.
Is there a performer you admire the most?
I have three, Leo DiCaprio and Eddie Redmayne and Tom Schilling.
What are your future plans?
I am shooting the series Dark for Netflix working with Beran Bo Odar and Jentje Friese. The show will air at the end of the year.
What are your career ambitions?
I would like to mix working internationally and locally. When I worked in Denmark on a co-production I learned there was a different approach to making films.