Choice or Opportunity talk on Chat Cinema

Director Wes Andre Goodrich talks about his short film MEAL TICKET on this episode of Chat Cinema Podcast. The work centers on a story of a choice and an opportunity. The up and coming Brooklyn based filmmaker’s delves into the conscience of a person taking a step upward, but at what price?

On Dignity and Acceptance

For this episode of Chat Cinema we talk to film maker Ahmad Alyaseer about acceptance even in death. His acclaimed, winning 102 prizes so far, short film OUR MALES AND FEMALES has qualified for the 2024 Academy Award.

Chat Cinema Podcast

The last Chat Cinema of the year. A bit of a conversation about the state of Cinema. Many auteurs are having a hard time adapting to the new trend of Hollywood.  Director Martin Scorsese comments raised many eyebrows.   This inspiration for this podcast comes from a recent New York Times article.